First off, even though this is an "about me" page, I don't want my life to be about me. Because it's not. My entire life is and, by His grace, will always be about Christ. I am a Christian, unashamedly and so thankfully. He reached down to an unworthy sinner and picked me up, washed me clean, and made me His child. It's so humbling. Although this is a blog about speech therapy, He is the reason I do what I do. My worth is not found in my job, success stories, or even this blog. It's in Him and Him alone. :)

I'm a part of an awesome church where my dad is pastor. I've got 2 younger sisters who are always ready to be goofy with me and 2 sweet parents who raised me right. My little malti-poo is called Maisy. She is rotten! Extremely smart and loves to bark. Her best friend is my parents' malti-poo, Libby Lu, and when they're together, they always keep us laughing. Neither of my sisters nor I are married or have kids yet, but we have tons of fun and are so blessed to have one another.
I'm fortunate in that most of my family and extended family all live here in Louisiana. When we all get together, it's happy and crazy and usually centered around food! We love our crawfish and gumbo and red beans with cornbread. My grandma will make us some "upside down" coffee with cream and sugar and sip it with us in her gazebo. She's 79 and still drives her convertible 350Z across town everyday to run a local newspaper. I know, right? Love her!
I am blessed beyond measure with an amazing family, sweet friends, adorable godson, and a great roommate! #thankful
Several weeks ago, I participated in the chain letter link up. I'm also including those questions and answers below, in case you were wondering more about my bloggy adventure. ;)
1. Your name, email, and TpT store if you have one.
Name: Lauren LaCour
2. When and why did you start blogging?
I started blogging around the beginning of October. Honestly, the main reason I started blogging was to distract me from some personal situations I had going on in my life. I was also creating materials for myself and thought, why not share?! It's so great connecting with other SLPs and getting new ideas. Y'all definitely push me to be a better therapist! :)
3. What is your favorite population to work with?
I love working with my preschoolers. It's amazing watching that language light bulb click on in their little brains, and it's so cute how excited they get when they finally say that word correctly. They are usually ready and eager to try new things and play whatever new game I have for them. These kids have my heart. :)
4. How much time per week do you spend blogging and/or creating materials?
On a typical week I probably spend about 15 or more hours on blogging and creating materials. I like to take my time and really think through the materials I make. I even research a lot when needed. If someone else is going to buy or use a product from me, I want it to be worth it and useful in therapy.
5. What's your favorite topic to create materials for?
My favorite topics to make materials are probably preschool and fluency. It's pretty easy to find cute clipart for preschool. It gets a little more difficult finding motivating pictures for older kids (that aren't just from google images). Fluency is another one of my favorite populations to work with and make materials for. I like researching effective techniques and activities that I can make into fun games for my stutterers. Plus, there isn't that many materials out there for these kiddos.
6. What's the best thing about blogging?
One of the best things about blogging for me is hearing how much your kids like some of my activities or ideas! It's so cool thinking about something I've created being used in another part of the country or even another part of the world. The network of SLPs out there is so positive and encouraging. It makes me want to keep at it!
7. Do you have any blogging tips?
Blog for the right reasons and have fun with it! As much as I love all of the feedback and Facebook "likes" and sweet comments (you have no idea how much it means!), I don't do this for you. I do this for your kids. If even one of my materials or ideas helps a student out there to be a better communicator, then I've succeeded. If an activity of mine motivates a student to learn or try harder, I've done my job. I don't want to fuss over my number of pageviews or always beg for likes on my Facebook page (and there's absolutely nothing wrong with doing that!). I just don't want that to be what I'm about. So, no need to constantly babysit your blog. Just have fun! :)
8. Add a question and answer of your choice (can be speech related or not).
What are some of your other hobbies? Apart from blogging and making materials, I love reading and crafting. Big, fat novels are my favorite, although I don't get to read as much as I'd like to. Theology books are a must for me too. I also make wreaths and other crafts all the time. If I'm not on my laptop blogging, you can find me with a book or glue gun in hand.