Friday, March 1, 2013

RtI Guest Post with a Freebie!

Today I'm guest posting for Brea over at Let's Talk Speech-Language Pathology!  Here's a little preview:

There are 3 letters that sometimes make me want to eat my own fist. You know them all too well…R…T…I…aka response to intervention.
For the last couple of years, I’ve been trying to get a good handle on my RtI caseload.  It seemed like no matter how I changed it or what I tried, I always felt behind.  I either didn’t take enough data or the kids didn’t make quick enough progress.  I revamped my data and tally sheets about a million times.  Well, this year (finally), I’m happy to say that I’ve started to make some headway in the RtI department.  So, if any of you struggle in this area too, then this post is for you!.....(Continue reading)

Head on over to Brea's blog and show her some love.  Let me know what you think!  :)

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