Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Criteria Charts for Speech & Language {FREEBIE} edition

When I'm in and out of classrooms on my school campus, I see lots of things like this.

And this.

And this.

We are all about criteria here.  Teachers are constantly being encouraged to have students self-assess and give feedback on how they are performing.  If they have a clear cut goal and know what they need to do in order to get there, it's a little easier for them to reach that goal.

I really wanted to implement this system in my speech room to have a consistency with what my kids are learning in their classrooms.  Plus, I want to give them as much exposure to having to rate/assess themselves as possible, since that concept alone is hard for my language disordered students.

I created some charts with visuals and have already found that help my kids so much.  When they are paying attention to how they do, they put forth much more effort.  Now, I'm in the process of creating a huge packet with lots of specific speech and language objectives as well as blank editable pages!

But for now I've got this FREE version for you to check out.  :)

It includes 4 general criteria charts for language, articulation, voice, and fluency.

Student cards or strips, whatever way you'd like to use them

And 6 "Why don't I have it?" cards/chart.  This is my favorite part.  My kids can often look at their performance and tell whether or not they have mastered the skill, but they don't know why.  This will help pinpoint what they need to do different and whether or not it's something they can work harder to fix.

What do you think?  You can grab this freebie at my TPT store HERE!  Don't forget to leave some lovely feedback while you're there.  ;)

And stay tuned for the full version coming soon!

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