Sunday, March 31, 2013

So long, Spring Break!

I've had such a nice relaxing week this week!  Unfortunately, I was not able to go anywhere exciting but was able to spend some good QT with my pup, my Bible, my laptop, and family and friends.  It's back to the old grind on Tuesday though.  I am glad I've got one more day to sleep in!  :)

I probably painted my nails about 5 times this week.  I kept trying different fun pinterest ideas; however, they were all a big fat FAIL.  So, I reluctantly ended up with a plain soft pink...sigh.  If any of you have been successful with nail "techniques," please share.

One of my best friends is getting married this summer, and all of us bridesmaids threw her a shower this past weekend.  I was in charge of decorations, so my scissors and glue gun were worn out by the time the big day came.

The shower turned out so nice!  I was even able to whip up that wreath the day of...whew!

Oh, and I surely did finish 2 new products earlier this week for y'all to check out if you haven't already!

Game Hero Fact and Opinion

There Was A Coyote Who Swallowed a Flea book companion

Who else had their spring break last week?  Did y'all do anything fun??  :)

A Happy back to work sale is in my TPT store!  15% off everything!

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