Monday, February 4, 2013

Go Togethers App Review

In light of all my PK posts last week, I thought I'd share about a fun app that I've been using with several of my younger kids...mostly preschool and early elementary.  Smarty Ears was kind enough to give me a copy of their Go Togethers app a couple weeks ago!  Though they provided me with the app, all opinions on this post are my own.

I don't know about you, but a lot of my little kiddos need to increase their vocabulary.  One of the objectives I often target for this is associations, and this is a great app to work on this skill.  Check it out!

From the home screen, you can either tap the board for a "quickplay" or go to the Settings Room to customize your client's needs.  

If you tap "quickplay," it will let you play immediately with alternating receptive and expressive go-together tasks.

When you get to the screen, it presents you with 4 possible responses and reads the question aloud.  In this example, kids choose three things that go with writing.  Once you click "next," it will take you to the expressive task:

Tap to give them a point for each item they can name as well as each time that they can tell WHY the items go together.

Quickplay is nice if you're in a hurry, but I like to customize for exactly what I need.  Check out the settings page!

There are lots of different options for choosing what you need.  For my little ones, I just wanted to have 1 correct item per screen (or a choice between 2 objects).

If they an answer they touched was incorrect, I chose for the item to be removed.  Just hit "next" to go to another target.  Once you've gone through the appropriate number of trials, tap "Done" at the top of the screen.

You can email the results to yourself, OR export it to another app.  I send mine to Therapy Report Center.  {Grab this app if you don't have it!  It's free right now!}

What I dig about this app:
  • There are a variety of options to customize the game to the needs of your individual client.
  • The concepts and vocabulary included are leveled and appropriate.
  • It provides opportunity to track kids' abilities to explain how things go together expressively.
What could make this app better:
  • I'd like to have the option for more incorrect choices per item.  It was a little confusing for the kids to have to pick more than one correct answer.
  • There is no place to track the data inside the app.  You have to export it to keep tabs.  {This is no big deal if you have Therapy Report Center}
You can grab this app from iTunes for $9.99

What do you think?  How do you work on vocabulary with your kids?

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