Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Giant Game Board Fun with Freebie!!

With all of this rainy, dreary weather the kids have had horrible cabin fever!  Poor things... they haven't been able to play outside and get their energy out in over a week.  I've felt bad pulling them from PE, since that's really the only time they have to do some motor movements and get some exercise.

I remembered seeing THIS post on pinterest, where a mom made a giant board game to play with her kids.  Perfect for a rainy day!  So, I decided to make my own - artic and fluency style!!

Each space has an action or strategy for the kids to practice their words in different ways.  So fun and engaging for my students!

How to:
1.  Print, laminate, and cut out all of the game space pieces.  Spread around the room (or hallway!) and secure to the floor with sticky tack or tape.

2.  Make a giant dice, if desired.  I made one using an empty tissue box and tape.  You can print and make your own using this download I made.  OR here is another template that is a less time-consuming option.  :)  I used only the numbers 1, 2, or 3.

3.  To play, I let the kids be the game pieces.  Each player just rolls the dice and moves that many spaces.  Follow the directions on the shapes.  I have sound packets that my artic kids use in therapy.  They brought those around the room with them as they played the game.  I also had them practice the words on the page while they waited their turn to roll.

They really had a blast with this!  It was a great way to keep them moving while getting some drills in.
I made one for my fluency kids as well.  On the game spaces are different strategies with visuals.  See?

You can grab these game boards for FREE! :)

Click HERE for the articulation game board
Click HERE for the fluency game board
Click HERE for a blank game board to address whatever skills your little heart desires :)

What do y'all think??  Please leave a comment below if you download!


  1. Love this! Can't wait to print this out at school tomorrow :)

    1. Yay! Snap a pic and email it to me when you use if you want! :)

  2. Wow! What a creative idea! I am always looking of ways to get my kids up and moving so I am absolutely sure they will LOVE this. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Love it Lauren, you are so good!

    1. Aww thanks!! The kids loved your squishy dice too! ;)

  4. Thanks, this should be fun, especially for the wiggly kids.

  5. I absolutely love this! I can't wait to use this! What a simple, creative idea that the kids will love! I was able to print the fluency game, but it wouldn't let me print the articulation game. Anybody else having trouble uploading? It keeps telling me something is wrong with the web page. Just curious if it's my computer...

    1. Thanks! I just tried it, and it worked ok for me. Maybe try updating your browser our using google chrome??

  6. I think this is a great idea! Can't wait to try it.

  7. love it, thank you for the freebie! printing now for a group at 3 :)

  8. My students LOVED this! Thanks! One of them said, "WE are the game pieces?! This is the best day EVER!!" :)
