Monday, November 19, 2012

Adjetivos Remix App Review

It's been so exciting to see all the fun holiday freebie posts!  Thanks to everyone who has linked up so far!  :)

Today, I'm reviewing a Spanish app!  Smarty ears was awesome and donated a copy of Adjetivos Remix for me to review; however, all of the opinions in this post are my own.  

I used this app all last week with my hispanic kiddos, and they loved it.  Even my non Spanish-speakers wanted to give it a try.  lol

Ok, so Adjetivos Remix is an app that targets the use of a variety of adjectives and concepts in Spanish.  It uses questions and pictures as stimuli.  Students identify the appropriate picture that depicts the adjective in the question.

Here is the menu page.  Note that it's all in Spanish.  There is a quick start option at the lower left-hand corner.  This will take you immediately to the questions. 

In the examples above, the questions ask students "which is heavy?" and "which is hot?" and students must touch the correct picture.  You can also "select students" instead of pressing quick start and save the data to the appropriate child.  There is a place for you to add a pic or avatar of the child as well.  

It keeps track of each students data for you, so that you are able to email yourself the results.

One of the awesome things about this app (and most smarty ears apps, for that matter) is the ability to customize!  Check out the settings page below.

You can pick and choose the exact types of "adjetivos" that you want to target.  The categories included are: appearance, colors, feelings, quantity, shape, size, time, and touch/taste.  You can choose to turn an entire category off/on or individual adjectives.  You can also decide whether you want to show the text, randomize the questions, and decide what you want to happen for incorrect answers.

You can grab this app from iTunes for $9.99 but it's on sale right now for $4.99!  Check it out HERE!

*There is also an English version available!  Check that one out HERE on sale for $5.99!

Overall, this is an excellent app.  One thing that might make it even better would be maybe adding an option for more than two choices.  Right now kids have a 50/50 shot of getting it right.  

Having apps like this are great for inclusion to take into the classroom! 


  1. Thanks for doing an app review of an app for Spanish speakers! I'm constantly on the lookout for Spanish apps and don't find many reviews, as the majority of clinicians are not Spanish speakers.

    Talking With Rebecca

    1. Thanks! I'm trying to incorporate Spanish therapy and apps in my blog, since there aren't too many out there. :)
