Friday, October 12, 2012

Blog Love & Tracking Progress

I've had so much fun this week trying out this new blog thing!  Hopefully, a couple of you were a little encouraged, or inspired, or at least found something you could actually use in therapy.  I can't wait to share more ideas with y'all!  There are so many things swimming around in my brain that I want to try, mostly thanks to all of you fabulous bloggers and pinners.

Besides blogging and scoping out Pinterest and TPT, it was pretty crazy at work this week too.  The end of the 9 weeks meant I had to do progress reports.  Boooo...not my favorite thing.  Fortunately, it wasn't too terrible since I've started keeping a lot of data on my iPad.  Here are a couple of apps I use for tracking data:

Now, I know this is not an app just for tracking data (and it's pretty pricey).  It's just so easy to use, and my kids love it.  I just record their responses and save the data to their name.  Then, I can either email it to myself or copy their percentages straight from the iPad.

I'm sure most of you are familiar with this one.  I like using it if I need to target a specific language skill.  It's helpful while we are playing a game or doing an assignment in class.  It's also pretty good to use as a fluency counter.  Just click the check for fluent syllables and the X for syllables stuttered.  

Unfortunately, there is no one app out there that I feel I can use for all my kiddos.  It'd be great to have everything in one spot, and I'd love to go paperless with their tally sheets.  Have any of you found any helpful data tracking apps?  Or any good word processing apps for that matter?

Anyway, thanks for reading! :)

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