Saturday, March 7, 2015

Yipp Yapp Yay Apps!

If you use a lot of apps in therapy, you've GOT to check out Yapp Guru if you haven't already.

I use my iPad regularly in therapy, so I'm always on the lookout for quality and engaging apps to use for my students.  Back in November at ASHA Convention, I was able to connect with so many amazing people and companies.  After meeting with the folks over at Yapp, I was so excited to come on board as an expert reviewer.  :)
 A little about the site:

  • It was created to provide a credible and easy-to-use resource for people using apps in therapy and education.
  • Reviews are completed by "experts" who have tried out the app and can give you meaningful pros and cons about them.
  • Yapp Guru has a large database of speech therapy apps that have been reviewed and voted on.  
  • YOU can even vote for your favorite apps by clicking on the "vote" button under each app.
  • It's super easy to use and navigate the site.  You can search by an app name, keyword, or browse by therapy category.
It should really be a go-to place for you before you spend your hard on $$ purchasing any app.

I'm happy to say that I'm now an App Guru Expert!  You can check out my reviews HERE.  

We're even having a little fun of our own and challenging each other to create and link up lots of fabulous reviews for you!  Let's see who can write the most reviews during the month of March!  :)

I love a good contest!  What do you think?  Are you a Yapp fan?  What apps would you like to see reviews on?  :)

Monday, March 2, 2015

Story in a Can!

Many of my poor language disordered students have such difficulty telling stories.  I'm sure that's no surprise to you.  Narrative skills are not usually the strong suit of someone with language learning problems.  They often lack structure, vocabulary, and understanding of overall language.  Needless to say, we work a lot with stories and books in our speech room.

My newest product targets just that - narratives.  It's a fun way to get kids excited about telling stories.  In fact, my little ones actually ask for the story cans!  (I love it when they don't realize they're learning something while playing).

Disclaimer: This post contains amazon-affiliate links.

Now, this product involves a little bit of craftiness on your part to set everything up.  Don't worry, it's nothing complicated.  You can make it as cutesy or as easy as you'd like.

You'll need about 6 small cans or containers, modge podge or glue, and scrapbook paper.

You can just print the labels and affix them onto any small container if you don't have time to mess with making it cutesy.  OR you can decorate the cans with scrapbook paper, stickers, or even have the students help you!  I used scrapbook paper and printed the labels onto full sheet sticker/label paper.  This made it easy to attach.  

This download also contains sheets to make your own story chips to place inside the cans.  I print these on full sheet label paper as well, so that I don't have to bother with sticky glue. 

Just cut out the circles (or use a 1.5" punch) and attach to poker chips.  I used these:

They turned out super cute.  :)  I put the different types of pictures onto different color chips to make it easier to separate.

There are pictures that target characters, setting, kick-off/problem, feelings, attempts/events, and extras/open-ended.  

It also includes story maps, graphic organizers, and illustrating/writing worksheets to use with the cans and chips.  

We use Braidy the StoryBraid in our speech room.  I LOVE Story Grammar Marker.  Find out more about it here.  Some of the worksheets and maps contain SGM terminology as options, since that's what we use.  There are blank versions as well for those of you who don't.  

There are lots of ways you could use these story cans.  I'd encourage you to get creative and find what works best for your kids!  There are several ideas for use in the download as well.

What do you think??  Could your kids use this in your speech rooms?